A good financial transaction is never the sum of two parties. Value creation must be greater than the value of the single transactions. A good investment thesis requires the ability to look at things from above and from a different angle to identify those structural and organic drivers of value creation.


nnovation is a highly discontinuous act that is at the core of generative thinking. The right attitude and training are required to deal with unforeseeable events and face the unknown. Innovation is discontinuous, virtuous and generative. The entrepreneurial process is aware that the future of the company is not the extrapolation of the past and that conservative, incremental logics destroy value in the long term.


M&A are aggregation processes that very often bring up cultural issues rather than business issues. M&A will last and produce value only if they respond to “organic” logic, something that goes beyond and differs from the sum of the individual parts. Where “generative” logic is a consequence of an “organic” approach.


Blue Circle handles board membership with the same approach it uses to identify investment ideas that justify M&A processes and financial transactions in general. Our independent participation is always oriented towards encouraging an “organic” analysis of scenarios to maximize value creation for the shareholders.


At Blue Circle, the mission of Corporate Finance is to maximize the shareholder value. Everything else is a tool. Corporate Finance is dealing with funding the right sources and capital structure to increase the value of the firm. We partner with leading financial institutions in order to establish a tailor-made approach that ensures obtaining the maximum for each individual case.